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Shame on you Carlton Cards! (Well done Sainsbury's and Tesco's!)

Friday, May 16, 2008

This card was in my eyeline as I walked out of Sainsbury's. Someone had dumped it up front after having picked it up from a back layer. I could see why they'd put it down! I couldn't quite believe how far we'd sunk in our culture, that protests are made when breasts feed babies... but card companies can make money on crude images such as this. And in a supermarket!

The really good news is... Sainbury's were shocked too, and the manager I spoke to at Sainsbury's Bedford, took them all off the shelf without me having to say one word. He just asked what I was complaining about, I opened the card, and his first words were "I do apologise, are there more on the shelf?" When I pointed to them, he lifted them off there and then. I suggested he phone head office to phone round the other stores.
So if you have a moment, please contact Sainsbury's and congratulate them for this prompt response. A 'thank you' for a job well done, is worth more than a thousand complaints. I know it's easier to write, phone or email an outraged complaint... but, if we find good people doing good things, we need to empower them to do more good things. As I said, I didn't have to say one word - the cards were off the shelf within seconds of him seeing one.

As he was apologising for them, I did say I didn't expect him to know every card in the store, and he said that wasn't the point. The point was that the card agent should know better, and they should never have been brought into the store. Good Point!

So who made them? Well, this jolly exploration of what the 'perfect' plastic surgery for breasts would look like, is from Carlton Cards. It's stock number is 146841 - - - 2. All copyright for the images here reserved by them.

And the back of the card, in small print, contains a warning.... that the card is not suitable for those under 3 years of age.
Why is it not suitable?
Because the "Birthday Boy" badge attached to the front, has a sharp, pointy, edge.
If you're in a supermarket, any supermarket, this weekend, and you spot one, do bring it to the manager's attention! :-)
Carlton Cards, Mill Street East, Dewsbury, WF12 9AW
01928 465200 fax 01928 453908
the UK subsidury of Carlton Cards (USA)
Carlton Cards... demeaning women and breastfeeding if it gets us a cheap laugh (and your money)...

EDIT: June 4th

As you can see from the comments, the card turned up at Tesco too. Their response was just as fast, and the card was removed within an hour of my speaking to a manager. Thank you Tesco!!!

EDIT: June 5th

Received a phone call from Sainsbury's HQ confirming that the card had since been removed from every single store and the matter taken up with the manufacturer. Apologies for offence caused. :-)

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