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Sodding GMTV Again!!!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Couldn't resist.

GMTV are doing an item on extending breastfeeding at some point in the next week or so. They've done their usual "We'll do a lovely, non biased questionnaire, and poll the Great British Public on their views." It's a stonker!

1) Are you a man or a woman?
2)Where do you live?
3) How old are you?
4) Do you or are you planning to breastfeed?
5) Would you be comfortable breastfeeding in public?
6) Do you think breast milk is more nutritional for babies than formula?
7) Do you think it's a woman's right to breastfeed in public?
8) Do you think think a women should use discretion when breastfeeding in public?
9) Do you think a woman's breasts should not be displayed in public for any reason? (NOTE DOUBLE NEGATIVE)
10) Do you think infants over the age of 12 months should ever be breastfed in public?
11) Do you think it's wrong to breastfeed an infant over the age of 12 months?
12) What age do you think a woman should stop breastfeeding?
* 3-6 months
*6-9 months
*Up to 12 months
*1 year or over
*2 years or over
*3 years or over
* As long as the infant wants to be fed
* Other

And then the usual "Do get in touch and tell us your experiences."

I rather think a lot of Mums need to fill this in. GMTV are notorious for their bloodbath reporting on breastfeeding. Click Here.

EDIT: If you have problems getting in, try from here: http://www.gm.tv/

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