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Invite Your MP To The Picnic

Saturday, May 23, 2009

This year it is truly vital that you invite your MP to the picnic.  Given the horrible implications of Clause 16 in the Equalities Bill, it's important that MPs know that many people do not support the Bill, and do want real protection for breastfeeding babies in public spaces.

You can find out who your MP is, by putting your postcode in here.  It will then tell you who they are, and will give you an option to click them an email.

For those who struggle with wording, you could use the following:


As a constituent, I'm inviting you to attend a Breastfeeding Picnic, in Victoria Tower Gardens, on Monday July 20th, 2009.  The picnic runs from noon till 3pm.

I feel strongly that breastfeeding babies should have protection in public spaces in England & Wales, and that Clause 16 in the upcoming Equalities Bill does not give any real protection at all.  What is needed is a similar act to that in Scotland, which makes it an offence to ask a child who is having a milk feed, anywhere the child has a right to be, to stop feeding.  The Equalities Bill will makes matters worse, in my opinion.  This picnic is celebrating breastfeeding, and I'd ask you attend and have a talk with the mothers and children there, about their experiences.  After last year's picnic, two mothers were harassed, separately, on the London Underground as they returned home.  The Equalities Bill will not cover this harassment, or prevent it happening.  I cannot support legislation that requires that if a breastfeeding mother is asked to leave a cafe, she must go.  It is obscene to suggest that this is 'protection'.

An epetition has been set up at Downing Street, asking the Prime Minister to bring in such new and separate legislation.  I'd appreciate it if you would consider signing it in support of the right of a hungry child to milk, where and when it gets hungry.

There are regional picnics if you are not in Westminster on that day.


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